Saw this floating around as a prompt, figured I'd give it a shot.

gemini:// christina's 5 questions


  1. What happens in films that make you say “this would never happen in real life”?

Not quite a "this would never happen in real life" but the frequent trope in action films of people dangling off the edge of a cliff, edge of a building, etc. Most people simply do not have the grip strength to even dead-hang for nearly as long as they do in films, let alone have the strength to get back up. There's a lot more training involved in completeing that kind of stunt than one would typically think.

  1. If you could wipe a movie from your memory so that you could experience it for the first time again, what would you choose?

Ouch, this is a tough one for me, as who I was with is so often a part of why I liked a film the first time I saw it.. and I wouldn't want to lose that.. I'm sure that there's some film out there that I ruined by watching it in a sour mood, that I'd enjoy giving a second 'first impression' too, but I can't think of one.

  1. What was your favourite toy as a child?

My unicorn beanie baby, Mystic.

  1. What colour describes your mood right now?


  1. If your domicile was on fire, what three items would you save?

Assuming that all people are already guarenteed to be safe? Probably my laptop, my guitar, and my clown's nose.